Who We Are
The Southern Idaho Regional Solid Waste District (SISW) is a special purpose unit of local government whose mission is managing solid wastes for the seven South-Central Idaho counties of Blaine, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls.
The SISW system currently features a state-of-the-art municipal solid waste landfill, fourteen waste transfer stations, a waste transportation system, a 3.9 MW landfill-gas-to-energy facility, an effective waste diversion system, a public information and education network, and a special waste management system for problem wastes.
At Southern Idaho Solid Waste, our mission is to provide safe, affordable, and professional integrated solid waste management to each of the communities that we serve.
We recognize the importance of balancing the need for proper waste management with our responsibility to protect the environment and promote public health and safety. Our team is dedicated to achieving this through utilizing the latest waste management technologies and providing valuable education and outreach to our customers. We are confident that we can continue to deliver the highest quality of service possible, while continually innovating new ways to improve and evolve our process.